Bupe Lughano Kabaghe: Politics for Good

Author: Michelle McDaniel

Bupe Lughano
“The biggest equalizer in our society today is education. Being able to fund somebody to go to school changes not only their life but also their whole family and generation, which is such a noble thing to do.”

When asked to describe herself, Bupe Lughano Kabaghe always responds: “I am a woman. I am Zambian. And I am Lughano.”

Lughano's journey began with a deep-rooted love for Zambia, a sentiment instilled by her family and the stories of her grandfather, who fought for Zambia’s independence. This foundational love blossomed into a fervent desire to serve her community and country, driving her to dedicate her life to serving others, especially the women and youth of Zambia. This desire to serve set her on a path toward political engagement and leadership, with a clear goal in sight: the presidency of Zambia.

Her ambition is not just about holding an esteemed position but about effecting substantial change in a variety of sectors, including health and education. Her time at Notre Dame has been instrumental in this regard, offering her the resources and support to pursue her interests and expand her impact through research.

“I love service. I love serving my community. Seeing the work that Notre Dame does, not just about educating the mind but also the heart, really spoke to me. I knew Notre Dame would be a place to grow both in heart and mind and make the change I wanted to make.”

Research for Good

At Notre Dame, Lughano has been awarded multiple grants, which she’s used to learn more about how women serve politically in her country.

She served as a research assistant regarding politics in Southern Africa, worked as a parliamentary intern on policy and campaign research at the English House of Commons, and is investigating women’s pathways into political leadership with Professor Jamie Bleck in the political science department.

“Notre Dame was the only school I applied to, and here I am. Their dedication to helping students grow in mind, heart, and body was very important to me. That's in alignment with my goals and my life philosophy. Notre Dame has shaped my passion and the things I want to do.”

Business for Good

Bupe teaches a class in Zambia
Bupe teaches a class in Zambia.

Lughano’s commitment to service extends beyond academia and into on-the-ground efforts to empower her community. At 19, she founded an NGO called Abana Afrika Foundation, focused on addressing educational deficiencies through personal development and entrepreneurship.

Lughano and her team have taught and inspired countless young Zambians through workshops and training sessions, equipping them with the skills to become agents of change within their communities. Her work has already borne fruit, with mentees achieving significant milestones, such as securing scholarships to prestigious institutions.

Lughano's story is a beacon of hope and a testament to the global power of servant leadership. Her journey from a young girl inspired by her grandfather's legacy to a driven student and servant leader at Notre Dame showcases the impact one individual can have on their community and beyond.

“I'm so grateful to everyone who donates to Notre Dame because of the opportunities that it's been able to give me. It's changed my life, and it's going to change my future children's lives. The funding is really important because it's allowed me not just to attend Notre Dame but also to flourish here.”

Lughano works hard to empower the youth of Zambia, giving them better educational opportunities, just as you do when you donate to the University of Notre Dame. Thank you to our Sorin Society members and Notre Dame Fund donors for their support of students like Lughano, who work so hard to be global forces for good and create a brighter future for others.