Notre Dame launches unprecedented initiative to combat generational poverty

Author: Michelle McDaniel


Every day, poverty stifles hope, opportunity, and dignity for 700 million people worldwide, including 37 million Americans. And despite well-intentioned policies and programs, too little is known about how to break poverty’s vicious generational cycle. The Poverty Initiative, part of Notre Dame’s new strategic framework, is poised to change that.

The University of Notre Dame is launching a bold new Poverty Initiative to develop and advance innovative solutions to help vulnerable populations and to train a new generation of leaders committed to the fight against poverty.

“Notre Dame’s Catholic mission gives a distinctive orientation to all we do, including our research, and nothing reflects that mission more powerfully than the Poverty Initiative, which will study and combat the causes and consequences of poverty,” said University President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. “I believe Notre Dame is uniquely positioned to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people burdened by poverty.”

Led by economist Jim Sullivan, the Notre Dame Poverty Initiative will establish the University as a leading institution for poverty research, prepare students for careers and service in antipoverty efforts, and turn evidence into action, illuminating proven pathways out of poverty for people around the world.

The Notre Dame Fund and Sorin Society strengthen the University's ability to nimbly and effectively respond to critical and emerging needs, influencing nearly every aspect of University life. Gifts make this life-changing impact possible and help teach students how to serve others as true forces for good.

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