Notre Dame Law School launches new Special Education Law Clinic

Author: Michelle McDaniel

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Notre Dame Law School is launching a new Special Education Law Clinic to serve parents of children with disabilities as they advocate for services, accessibility, and accommodations required for their children diagnosed with physical and mental disabilities.

The clinic will also provide ND Law students the opportunity to work with families to ensure their child’s access to education under the law.

It will offer pro bono services, and law students will assist parents and children who have a variety of disabilities in special education proceedings. This includes helping parents address challenges in meeting their special education students' needs, working with schools, supporting IEP implementation, participating in mediations, and providing guidance for navigating K-12 school systems.

Notre Dame Professor Jenuwine emphasized the clinic's dual purpose: "We want to best serve the community while providing a valuable learning experience for our students, equipping them with the essential skills for this type of representation."

The clinic is just one of the many experiential learning opportunities for students. As a core part of the Notre Dame Law School curriculum and education, students can work in one of the five clinics at the Notre Dame Clinical Law Center and participate in skills courses, externships, and immersion programs.

Read more about how Notre Dame Law Students serve parents of children with disabilities ›

Thank you to our Order of St. Thomas More members. You help provide incredible experiential learning opportunities to talented law students that impact the community and educate a different kind of lawyer.