O’Hara Society members impact over 700 graduate business students

Author: Michelle McDaniel

This past academic year alone, the lives of over 700 graduate business students were transformed through the generosity of O’Hara Society members.

O’Hara Society members invest in the next generation of Notre Dame business leaders—leaders who will be guided in their time at Mendoza to carefully consider the role of business in solving global problems and shaping communities. 

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Dianna O’Hara ’24

Last year, these devoted members of the Notre Dame Family gave $3.4 million to provide financial assistance for graduate business students and world-class experiential learning opportunities. 

“I would have had to decline my acceptance to Notre Dame, which has been a lifelong dream of mine if it weren't for the fellowship offered to me through Mendoza. Funding an MBA graduation is challenging, even with employer assistance, and it often leaves full-time programs off the table as it is nearly impossible to pay out of pocket for a two-year education without an income. The fellowship made Notre Dame possible for me, and I couldn't be more grateful to the O’Hara Society. Notre Dame encourages and inspires me to be the best version of myself, and I am forever grateful to be a part of this community.” – Dianna O’Hara ’24

Thank you to our O’Hara Society members. Your generosity changes the lives of the next generation of Notre Dame business leaders—servant leaders with the extraordinary ability and ethical standards to make a difference worldwide—and allows the best of the best to pursue a mission-driven business education at Mendoza.