Sorin Society members provide scholarships to nearly a fourth of Notre Dame undergraduate students

Author: Brooke Speer '12

Notre Dame's Giving Societies recognize members of the Notre Dame family who generously advance the University's mission through annual gifts. Members of the Sorin Society join in the vision of Notre Dame's founder, Father Sorin, by empowering students with the resources they need to become forces for good in the world. 

Sorin 700
“This college will be one of the most powerful means for doing good in this country.” — Rev. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., founder of the University of Notre Dame du Lac

Gifts from Sorin Society members primarily fund the University’s commitment to meet the full demonstrated financial aid need of every Notre Dame student—a commitment made by fewer than 60 universities across the country. In the 2022-2023 academic year, Sorin Society members provided 2,102 students with a $10,000 scholarship.

Additionally, through their annual gifts, Sorin Society members give University leaders the flexibility to further the Catholic mission of the University, enhance student life and experiences, and fund other priorities and areas of need.

At Notre Dame, students are gifted with a rich and fulfilling residential life, clubs and sports, faith-based programs and centers, and unique research opportunities with world-renowned professors. Sorin Society members make this possible!

Read more about the impact of a Sorin Society membership ›