Women’s basketball practice with Coach Ivey a slam dunk for Jesse Harper Council and Athletics Director’s Circle Members

Author: Michelle McDaniel

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While the weekend of the USC vs Notre Dame football matchup was memorable for everyone in the Notre Dame Family, the Jesse Harper Council and Athletics Director’s Circle members in town enjoyed an even more unique moment.

The afternoon before the big game, Coach Ivey invited all Jesse Harper Council and Athletics Director’s Circle members to watch the women’s basketball practice—a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes of this Championship-winning program.

Members could sit courtside, or they could overlook the action in the elevated loft above.

When practice was over, Coach Ivey invited all attendees to meet the team and enjoy a cocktail hour with her.

She began by toasting attendees with a few words of appreciation, whose memberships build Fighting Irish champions in the classroom, community, and, of course, competition.

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Afterwards, the women’s basketball team introduced themselves and enjoyed meeting and socializing with the members in attendance.

Thank you to everyone who attended and who continue to provide our student-athletes with the resources they need to succeed.

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